Boxing Techniques
Boxing makes a spirit of a person tougher and makes the human being strong and unbreakable. It is an essential weapon and I teach my students how to use this weapon practically so that they always feel confident in any situation in these, often complex times.
My name is Alexander Antonian. I started the boxing career at the age of 15 (rep. of Azerbaijan USSR). I won 68 out of 85 fights, 19 of which won with a knockout. In 1979 I took a second place on a prestigious championship of the republic of Azerbaijan. In 1981-1984 I continued my winning strikes and won first places in Moscow.
During my Army years I was one of the best fighters among the frequent military tournaments and won regional championship where I was stationed. My military experience gave me a unique ability to supplement my boxing knowledge with a combat fighting mentality. From 2005-2007 Academy combat sambo USA, also I was teaching self-defense and MMA classes in Sambo7 club in Winchester, MA from 2007-2013.